
Thursday, January 9, 2014

Brainwave Entrainment

Sound is powerful. It has a profound effect on matter, movement, and even brain functioning. Our brains consistently emit specific frequencies when we are experiencing different states of mind. Neuroscientists have been able to reverse the process to induce specific mind states by playing back these frequencies, both through sound and light.

This is 15 minutes, which is as short as the effective ones come. Take the time to experience how easily your entire reality can be manipulated. You *MUST* wear headphones. Close your eyes and meditate (when I say meditate, I mean stop thinking).

The video above uses binaural beats to pull your brain into delta state. This is a state of deep relaxation, you experience this when you're in that half-awake, half-asleep state as you lay in bed on a Saturday morning. Binaural beats play a different frequency in each ear, your brain hears the difference between these 2 frequencies. For example, this video is playing two audible frequencies just 2-4 hz apart, which is a delta wave.

Binaural beats don't work for everyone. I believe our brains are all pretty much the same, so if it doesn't work you're doing it wrong. Nevertheless, they say isochronic tones work when binaural beats don't. Isochronic tones are another form of brainwave entrainment that play tones set to a specific frequency in a repetitive, hypnotic beat. The video below uses isochronic beats to stimulate serotonin and endorphin release. It's long (30 minutes) but it absolutely works and will make you feel verrry nice.

So these kinds of sounds can bring on almost any state and even cause serotonin, dopamine, and endorphin release? Sounds like drugs. The company i-Doser creates complicated brainwave entrainment clips that combine binaural beats, isochronic tones, and various other memory-intrusive sound effects to replicate the effect of drugs. They have LSD, cocaine, pain killers, ecstasy, etc. They also have some more mysterious doses that attempt to pull you into various states of trance and dreaming. Below is clip of someone reacting to an LSD i-dose. I have tested i-doser on 10+ people; screaming, mad twitching, weird arm positioning, and rapid-eye movement is typical. There are some "F" words, sorry.

These kinds of tones are very easy to hide in music. The tones are just as effective when they are too quiet to be detected and when music is played over it. Modern music is full of stuff like this. It's scary, music can have a more powerful effect than most people realize. Imagine if gangster rap and party girl music used these manipulative tones to trance their lyrics into the mind of the listener while associating it with serotonin and endorphin release. That's classical conditioning, psychologists, and it's being used unknowingly to manipulate people. Many kids are being raised by this kind of music, and brainwave entrainment is being used more and more. I'll delve deeper into the ethics of this later on.

Here's a song I made using monaural beats and isochronic tones. It's designed to stimulate peace, relaxation, and serotonin release. It's a work in progress, but... now's a relevant time to release it so whatever. Enjoy :)

-- Medic --

Music (Variety - 2)

Here are some more great songs! This is another variety post. I'm establishing my taste for you guys. There will be a few more like this but eventually I'll post mini-playlists consisting of more similar styles. The goal - if you like my general taste, I'll help you find music you'll like in genres you are unfamiliar with.

Kingande - Jubel
This song blends the best of several genres. It pulls off the magic of electronic music but using real instrumentation (sax-house, anyone?). The second track released by this artist. 

The Glitch Mob - We Can Make The World Stop
Put some headphones on or turn this way up. The producing is impressive. 

Rone - Parade
This song is beautiful. There is a video and a shorter version, but they take away from the perfection that Rone so carefully devised.

Kavinsky - Nightcall
You've probably heard this. If not, you need to. 

Zeds Dead - Divine (Danger Remix) (Zeds Dead ReRemix)
Some great music above! For those of you more interested in the electronic side of things, here's some electro dubstep. I'm not a fan of most dubsteb, but Zeds Dead isn't your typical dubstep producer.

Cathedrals - Unbound
Less electronic, more indie.You'll be seeing a lot more like this. Pay attention to the vocals, it's in the vocal edits that this artist shines.

That's it for this post! I'm building a new site for this blog and others I'm working on. Stay tuned for huge, exciting changes! This blog is just the beginning.

-- Medic --

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Sound is Fascinating

Much of this blog will be devoted to the fascinating nature of sound, rhythm, and music. In this post, I will link several interesting articles and videos that may intrigue you. I hope these kinds of posts will spark discussion, especially once I improve the layout and gain followers. For now, feel free to comment!

Natural Frequency
All matter vibrates. Atoms and their composing parts are constantly in motion. Water naturally vibrates at 24hz. What happens when you put a 24hz sine wave (a very quiet sound) to a water spout?

Sound is movement, pressure. It can penetrate our entire body. You may have thought sound is only heard, but it's effect on physical matter is much, much more mysterious. The two videos below are mind-blowing.

The McGurk Effect
Sorry guys, but life isn't at all as it seems. What we see, hear, feel, and think is a hallucinated manifestation of that empty space and abstract experience we sense. This BBC clip demonstrates the McGurk effect, where what we hear changes depending on what we see. Synesthesia, folks.

-- Medic --

Monday, January 6, 2014

Music (Variety - 1)

We'll kick this off with some good, new music! Here are 5 interesting tracks I've found recently. I love where music is headed.

Made in Heights - Murakami
"Sometimes our dreams are so brilliant and our desires so mysterious that we lock them deep inside ourselves to feed and play with only when we sleep...  As if acknowledging them in waking life will betray the veil of control we shroud around our lives. But sooner or later every thought becomes manifest, and every dream finds a way into this world, whether by will or by war." - Made in Heights

How Sad - Indian Summer
Chill new indie artist. Unique vocals and upbeat vibes.

M.I.A - Paper Planes (Nologix Remix)
I like variety. Here's some trap for ya.
Free download on soundclound -

The M Machine - Tiny Anthem
Not so new, but I feel it's a good fit for the intro to this blog.

The Magician's Son - Passion
OMG check out this aMaZInG artist!

-- Medic --


Welcome to my music blog!

My goal with this blog is to help you open your eyes to the mind-expanding quality of sound; to encourage synesthesia of hearing, feeling, thought, and perception. I believe that music is the language of the soul, and by learning to truly listen we can begin to comprehend the music in ourselves and others. I encourage you all to keep an open mind when listening--stop thinking and allow yourself to feel its effect.

I love music. So much, in fact, that I am going into the neuroscience of sound in hopes of understanding (and applying) the power that sound and rhythm have on life. I study psychology and music production, I'm pre-med with plans for medical school, I teach self-therapy through music to autistic teens, and I am passionate about understanding life's mysteries.

I'll post anything music related that I find interesting. I encourage feedback and suggestions.

-- Medic --