
Thursday, April 3, 2014

Sound Is Powerful

With this post I begin to relate the power of sound to other types of waves. I encourage you to post comments or drop me an email about what you'd like more of. This is just the beginning - we will get deep into psychology and science; exploring topics such as perception, quantum physics, manipulation, and spirituality.

In the first science post, Sound Is Fascinating, I posted videos demonstrating Cymatics, the matter-manipulating quality of sound. Today, holistic healing practitioners use the term 'toning' to describe the use of sound waves transmitted through the human body in order to normalize imbalances and synchronize the cells' frequencies back to their natural, healthy state of vibrational resonance. It's called Vocal Toning. It's being done to achieve other states too and with a wider range of frequencies than the voice can create, especially in music.

These scientists suggest the brain commands the body through frequencies. Your voice expresses the condition of your body and is commanded by the brain. You only hear what your brain can generate, and you brain generates tones to command body and perception of thus.
"the voice, which we analyze with a computer, is a great indicator of vitality. The voice is one of the most powerful avenues of human expression and as such, provides a very useful analog for the systems of the body. According to Dr. Alfred Tomatis, among others, the voice is not able to reproduce what the ear cannot hear. Perhaps the ear cannot hear what the brain cannot generate. There is evidence that the brain, in addition to being a master chemist, is a very complex tone generator and commands the systems of the body through frequency."
Editor comments: Maybe you are only aware of what you command, even subconsciously? If you don't match tones with outside stimuli you are oblivious to it. To be aware of, to see, feel, or hear, you brain must reproduce a representation of it in order for you to experience it, for it to exist in your universe. What you hear and see come from inside.

This book teaches you how to gain control over your voice and listening skills to help improve confidence and self-awareness.

Kirsten Nelson says music can help you engage in life.

Sound is vibrational energy. It ripples through matter distorting its placement. Our amazing brains are able to interpret some of these distortions to manifest the experience of "hearing". As discussed in previous posts, sound is much more than a means of communication. Try to relate the information below to cymatics (the video I've posted showing sand forming pattern to different frequencies).

Powerful Vibrations: 8Hz and 432Hz
8Hz is special. It is the resonating frequency of the earth's "heartbeat", called the Schumann effect. It is also the frequency that DNA must be tuned to in order to replicate. When the two hemispheres of our brain are synchronized at 8Hz, neural communication is most fluid and EEG brain signals are strongest. 8Hz is the brains alpha state and is associated with relaxation, meditation, and clarity.

I encourage you all to look this one up. Some say this is the natural frequency of our body and the universe. If 8Hz is "C", then 432Hz is "A" 5 octaves up. It is the "scientific tuning", as this scale is based on universal laws. This tuning was unanimously approved at the Congress of Italian musicians in 1881 and recommended by the physicists Joseph Sauveur and Felix Savart as well as by the Italian scientist Bartolomeo Grassi Landi. However, in 1953 the scale was officially changed worldwide to what we use now, one that is disharmonic and unnatural. The "A" we use now is set to 440 Hz. I beleive this contributes to the issue of false reality and disconnectedness to nature that our society suffers from.

Snowflake Formation
Dr. Masaru Emoto claims that human consciousness has an effect on the molecular structure of water. Check out his experiments suggesting that labels and intent may play a role in it's crystallization. His experiments have not been verified.

Similar to the McGurk effect, what we see is not what we see. This isn't sound related, but relevant - and necessary. We are Synesthetes after all.

Listen to this.

Sorry for the break in posts. I plan to be more active with my blogs. I haven't been lazy though, a lot of good stuff in the works. I finished a trilogy of symphonic art. Check it out on my soundcloud!

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